i wish i can help you to find some extra income with this following site.
Onlinejobs.ph - is similar to upwork you can be hired as a freelancer as well as full time or part time.
craigslist - is an online and job posting classified ads and other services.
99designs - client will choose the design they wish to use and the designer will get paid.
crowdspring - is one of the largest marketplace logo design web printing and other services.
designcrowd - is an online marketplace providing logo,website, print and graphic design.
fiverr - is the one large marketplace to digital services.
wework remotely - offers high paying jobs and where companies can pay list remote job opportunities.
-stackoverflow is site for programmers and task are related to software.
peopleperhour - is an online platform giving bussiness access to freelance worker and you can find jobs and contract.
has a large database of professional freelancer that can get a job done and connecting bussiness and skilled peofessional.
These are sone example of home based job and legit paying site.
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